Our strategies

Strategic priorities

We are a values-led organisation focused on delivering world-class care to our communities. Our three strategic priorities help focus our efforts, allowing us to build on our strong foundations as a Trust that delivers excellent outcomes and experiences for patients.

  • Deliver high-quality, patient-centred care
  • Be the employer of choice
  • Deliver better care at lower cost

Our approach

  • Clinical services strategy: Our ambitions for clinical service delivery and the key initiatives we aim to deliver through to 2030
  • People strategy: Our approach to looking after our people, cultivating belonging and growing for the future to ensure we have the team needed to deliver on our plans
  • Quality strategy (in development): Our commitment to delivering the safest, highest-quality care, including how we will drive improvement and assess our performance

Additional plans describe the key enablers that make our work possible. These include plans for estates, digital, research and innovation.

Each year, we establish operating plans to guide our work, and our annual reports set out the progress we have made against our priorities.

About our strategic priorities

Our strategic priorities are based on our vision and Proud values as a Trust. We have three overall priorities which we care about most and are central to achieving this vision.

1. Deliver high-quality, patient-centred care

Patients, their friends, family and carers will be treated with unfailing kindness and respect by every member of staff in every department and their experience and quality of care will be second to none.

How will we know we’ve achieved this priority?

  • We will continue to have some of the lowest mortality rates in the NHS
  • We will be the best performing London Trust for A&E, cancer and Referral to Treatment (RTT) standards

2. Be the employer of choice

We will provide every member of staff with the support, information, facilities and environment they need to develop in their roles and careers, and we will recruit and retain people we need to deliver high-quality services to our patients and other service users.

How will we know we’ve achieved this priority?

  • We will have more than 90% of our permanent jobs filled by permanent staff
  • We will have less than 13% of our staff leaving each year
  • We will achieve an above average score for staff engagement in the national Staff Survey

3. Deliver better care at lower cost

We will look to continuously improve the quality of care and patient experience through the most efficient use of our resources (financial and human, including staff, partners, stakeholders, volunteers and friends).

How will we know we’ve achieved this priority?

  • We will deliver our financial plan in full
  • We will be in the top 10% of NHS Trusts for financial efficiency based on national best practice

Further detail about our strategic priorities is published in our annual report and accounts.

George Vasilopoulos