Freedom of information
What is the Freedom of Information Act?
From 1 January 2005 the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act allows anyone to ask for information held by Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and request access to it. The Trust handles FOI requests in accordance with guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office.
How do I request information that isn't on the website?
If the information you require is not held on our website, you can:
- Email our FOI Lead on
- Write to:
Freedom of Information Lead
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Unit 111
Harbour Yard
Chelsea Harbour
SW10 0XD
Requests for information must come in writing and include an address to which correspondence can be sent. Requests should include a clear and specific description of the information you are seeking.
When will my request be answered?
Once we have received your request we aim to respond within 20 working days or sooner. When responding we will firstly state whether or not we hold the information you are seeking. If we hold the information we will, in most cases, send this to you.
Can my request be refused?
Some information is subject to exemption under the FOI Act—for example, if the information has commercial interest or relates to personal information. Where an exemption is considered appropriate, we will outline why this is so and what steps you are entitled to take next.
- List of FOI exemptions (PDF)
Will there be a charge for my request?
We are entitled to charge for copying the materials that you are seeking. In the majority of cases we will absorb this cost. If we are considering applying a charge we will contact you to establish whether you still wish to proceed with the request.
Where the time involved in us investigating whether we hold the information and then obtaining the information requested exceeds a cost of £450 we are entitled to refuse the request.
In this case we will contact you to establish whether you wish to:
- Proceed and pay for the request to be undertaken
- Amend the request so that the cost is reduced to below £450
- No longer proceed with the request
What is your charging structure?
The costs taken into account by the Trust when determining any fee are:
- Prescribed costs—meaning any costs reasonably incurred by the Trust in determining whether it holds information of the description specified in the request, in locating and retrieving any such information, and in giving effect to any preference expressed by the applicant as to the means of communication of such information. This includes the cost of associated staff time, but does not include the cost of staff time incurred in determining whether the Trust is obliged to comply with the request for information
- Disbursements—meaning any costs directly and reasonably incurred by the Trust in informing the applicant whether it holds information of the description specified in the request and in communicating any such information.
The Trust does not have to comply with a request for information if it estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit, which is £450 (based on the DCA's regulations of a notional cost of 18 hours work at £25 per hour).
What if I am dissatisfied with the Trust's response?
In the first instance you can raise your concerns through the Trust's internal complaints procedure by writing to:
Information Governance Manager/Freedom of Information Lead
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Unit 111
Harbour Yard
Chelsea Harbour
SW10 0XD
If you remain dissatisfied following the appeals process, you have the right under §50 of the Act to apply to the Information Commissioner to seek resolution to the matter.
Trust performance—FOI requests
§8.5 of the Freedom of Information Code of Practice states that public authorities with more than 100 employees should publish details of their performance on handling requests under the Act. This information should be published quarterly.
2024/25 | Q1 (Apr–Jun) | Q2 (Jul–Sep) | Q3 (Oct–Dec) |
N° of requests
% answered within 20 days
N° answered more than 20 days
N° still open
N° of requests releasing full information
N° releasing partial information
N° refused, cancelled, withdrawn or information not available
Publication scheme
What is a publication scheme?
The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act is to promote greater openness by public authorities, which includes Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (The Trust).
Under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Trust has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a publication scheme for the publication of Trust information. This publication scheme has been developed in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s model scheme and has been effective from 1 January 2009.
It is a guide to the information routinely published by the Trust as part of its normal business activities. It is a description of the information about our Trust, which we make publicly available. It is important to us that this scheme meets your needs and it has been designed to be a route map so that you can easily find information about us. The scheme will be subject to an annual review.
Class 1: Who we are and what we do
- How we fit into the NHS structure
- Organisational structure
- Gender pay gap reporting
- Workforce diversity
- Senior staff
- Location of public-facing departments
- Contact details of public-facing departments
Class 2: What we spend and how we spend it
- Financial statements
- Capital programme
- Allowances and expenses
- Staff pay and grading structures—please refer to the remuneration section in the annual report
- Funding
- TU facility time
- Procurement and tendering procedures—can be requested via
- Details of contracts currently being tendered—can be requested via
- List and value of contracts awarded >30K—current major contracts can be requested via
Class 3: What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Annual report
- Annual business plan or commissioning plan
- Targets, aims and objectives
- Performance against targets (KPI), performance framework, performance management information, quality improvement plans
- Reports by regulatory organisations, eg Care Quality Commission and NHS England—available on the CQC website
- Audit reports delivered at board or governing body level
- Service user surveys—staff surveys
- Service user surveys—patient surveys
Class 4: How we make decisions
- Board papers—agenda, supporting papers and minutes
- Internal communications guidance and criteria used for decision making—staff have access to all policies and these can be requested via
Class 5: Policies and procedures
- Business policies—can be requested via
- Policies and procedures relating to human resources including recruitment and employment policies—can be requested via
- Health and safety—policies can be requested via
- Standing financial procedures and orders
- Complaints
- Data protection
- Estates management—policies can be requested via
Class 6: Lists and registers
- List of main contractors and suppliers—current major contracts can be requested via
- Registers of interests
- Register of gifts and hospitality
Class 7: Services we offer
- Clinical services
- Non-clinical services
- Patient support groups
- Patient information leaflets
- Media releases
I have a question, comment or complaint about the scheme
Please contact us:
- Email our FOI Lead on
- Write to:
Freedom of Information Lead
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Unit 111
Harbour Yard
Chelsea Harbour
SW10 0XD