Friends and Family Test (FFT)
The FFT is a national initiative which began in 2013, so called because patients were asked if they would recommend a hospital ward or department to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment.
The survey name remains the same, but, following a review in 2018/19, the survey now asks the question:
“Overall, how was your experience of our service?”
You can rank your answer from ‘very good‘ to ‘very poor‘. You’ll have the opportunity to explain your score by adding comments.
We read all your feedback and use it to improve our services and report on patients experience of care at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Your responses are free and anonymous. You will not be identified from your feedback.
How we use FFT feedback
The results of the survey are regularly shared will staff. Positive feedback helps staff to know what makes a difference to patient care. When the feedback is less positive, the Trust knows where improvement is needed.
How to give FFT feedback
You can leave feedback for us by clicking the links below
Please use the links below to complete the FFT questionnaire on your phone, tablet or computer.
- I attended the Accident and Emergency department
- I attended hospital for a scan
- I used the sexual health services
- I used the maternity services
- I was an inpatient
- I was an outpatient
- I attended hospital with my child (under 18)
Respond to a text or call from us
If you’ve recently visited our Emergency (A&E) Department, attended an outpatient appointment, used our maternity or sexual health service you might:
- Receive a text to your mobile from the number 80870.
- If we don’t have a mobile number for you, you may receive an automated call to your home phone (landline).
If you are sent a text …
Responding to the text is free. Please disregard any alerts (sent by some mobile networks) that you may be charged. These are automated generic warnings generated by some mobile networks for all ‘short code’ numbers.
If you’re mobile network doesn’t allow you to respond to the text. You can ask your mobile provider to unblock the number 80870 or alternatively leave feedback on our website using the links provided.
You can leave feedback at any point during your stay or visit to hospital
Every inpatient ward, outpatient department has FFT survey forms. A member of staff should offer you the chance to give feedback anonymously using the form before you leave hospital but you can ask for an FFT survey form at any time during your stay.
Our external FFT provider and your information
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has asked Healthcare Communications to contact patients on behalf of the Trust with text messages and phone calls for feedback. All contact details are encrypted before they are securely transferred and held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).
What to do if you do not wish to take part
If you wish to opt out from giving feedback, you can do this in one of the following two ways:
- Reply ‘STOP’ if you receive a text message.
- Use the ‘Opt Out’ feature when you are telephoned.
Our results
All NHS trusts are required to publish their FFT results. You can see all results on the NHS England website.
If you have any further questions or queries, please do contact the patient experience team at