RIQI 2022 event
Research, Innovation and Quality Improvement Event page; records and recordings of the event on Thursday 7 July 2022.
Research, Innovation and Quality Improvement Event to celebrate and showcase best practice across the Trust on 7 July 2022
Recordings and posters of this year’s Health Inequalities themed online event
At this annual Trust event we live-streamed 12 presentations on local projects and 2 keynote lectures—all were recorded and are available via the links below. You can also see the 51 project posters and additional material in our Digital Poster Gallery.
Session recordings
- Health Inequalities in NWL Carolyn Regan, CEO of West London NHS Trust; SRO for NWL ICS Proactive Population Health Management and reducing Health Inequalities
- Making Hounslow.Digital Simon Klee, Head of Digital Transformation - London Borough of Hounslow
- Panel discussion chaired by Chris Chaney, Chief Executive of CW+
CEO Award winners
- Delivery of liver services within primary care can improve treatment outcomes in people experiencing homelessness—Jennifer Hannon (winner)
- Early diagnosis and therapy for infants at risk of neurodevelopmental disorders—Virginia Knox, Alice Hunt, Francesca Crosbie (runner up)
- WHY STOP: A behavioural approach to study the factors influencing antibiotic stop decisions in ICU. The impact of Point of Care Tests (POCT) on decisions—Prof Suveer Singh (runner up)
- Welcome—Lesley Watts, CEO and Dr Roger Chinn, CMO
- Diversity Matters: A pilot study to improve Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) and racial inequalities education in postgraduate medical education—Dr Oliver Mercer
- Hand Therapy: Osteoarthritis Virtual Education Group Project—Odile Taylor
- RIQI Q&A and Technical support sessions:
- Funding for Research, Innovation and Quality Improvement—Damon Foster
- The Clinical Research Practitioner role—Rhian Bull
- High antibody avidity in older adults after two-dose Pfizer BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccination associated with reduced SARS-CoV-2 infection but appears dependent on prior infection: a longitudinal cohort study at the Royal Hospital Chelsea—Major Scott Pallett
- EIRENE: Virtual Reality Headsets for women experiencing pregnancy loss—Lauren Trepte, Miss Natalie Nunes
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) during the Pandemic: an Observational Study of Screening Methods and Maternal & Perinatal Outcomes in Women with First-time GDM—Dr Jennifer Thornton
- HIV and STI incidence among users and non-users of HIV PrEP in England: results from the Impact trial—Dr Ann Sullivan
- SMARTS: Smartphone atrial fibrillation testing post stroke study—Preliminary results—Dr Sadia Khan
- A novel teaching course using highly realistic manikins to teach skills in end of life care to final-year medical students—Dr Anna Bradley, Dr Ruth Caulkin
- Are challenging times perceived differently between consultants and junior doctors (JDs)? Burnout rates for consultant and (JDs)—Dr Anna Bradley
- Close—Lesley Watts, CEO and Dr Roger Chinn, CMO
Digital poster gallery