Training and development

Driving continuous improvements in learning and development ensures we always provide excellent care and service to our patients. It is through our investment in learning and development that we will help shape the culture of our organisation and build our workforce of the future.


We support our staff right from the offset—when you join us you will be invited to our corporate welcome along with other new starters. At induction you will meet members of our executive team who will explain our vision and values. You’ll also complete all the mandatory training needed for your role, which is delivered in a mix of online and classroom learning. As part of the induction process you will also complete a local induction with your line manager.

Support for new starters

We want you to settle into your new role as soon as possible. Once you start with us you will have a 6-month probation period to ensure you are properly supported, as you learn your new job and what is expected of you. We also want to identify any training and development needs and put objectives in place to support you in your role and career. You’ll have regular meetings with your line manager to discuss your progress. 

Performance and development reviews

We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to discuss their performance and development with their manager. We’ve implemented a performance development review process to enable you to celebrate achievements, receive feedback on how you’ve been doing, and set objectives for the coming year. You will have your objectives set within the first month of arrival to give you direction in your new role.

Development opportunities

We offer a range of training and development opportunities—please see the career progression page for details.

jamiecs simone George Vasilopoulos