The registration and application process
The first step is to register your interest to become a volunteer. Registration of interest must be made online and you will need an email address.
We open recruitment at different times of the year for each hospital. The first step is to register your interest to become a volunteer. Registration of interest must be made online. Please note that the application process is competitive and will include an interview and background checks.
The process from a successful interview to starting volunteering takes approximately four to eight weeks. This depends on how quickly paperwork is submitted, background and Occupational Health checks, and completion of mandatory online training.
All applicants will need to:
- Provide three suitable ID documents and complete an enhanced DBS check
- Provide details of a professional or educational reference
- Complete up to five mandatory training modules dependant on role
- Attend the mandatory Core Training session (currently online)
- Attend an induction and shadowing shift for your role
- Complete an Occupational Health check to ensure there aren’t any underlying conditions that may affect your ability to volunteer
Trust values
The Trust values demonstrate the standard of care and experience our patients and members of the public should expect from our services. These values also underpin the role of volunteer at the Trust. The values are PROUD:
- Putting patients first
- Responsive to, and supportive of, patients and staff
- Open, welcoming and honest
- Unfailingly kind, treating everyone with respect, compassion and dignity
- Determined to develop our skills and continuously improve the quality of care.