Summer Placements

Pharmacy summer work experience for 3rd year pharmacy students

Pharmacy summer work experience for 3rd year pharmacy students

We offer four weeks unpaid work experience in June, July and August.

Work experience dates 

  • June
  • July
  • August 

The closing date for applications is 23 Mar 2025. No applications will be considered after this date. Successful candidates will be contacted by the end of March 2025. If you are unsuccessful, please do not be discouraged from applying for Trainee Pharmacist positions, as there are more of these positions available.

Section 1: Personal details
Section 2: Work placement details
Please note—this is not a guarantee
Section 3: School and education details
(open to 3rd year pharmacy students only)
Section 4: Present or most recent employment
Employment prior to above starting with most recent. Past employer—please provide employers name and address, dates from/to, post held, grade and main duties, and reason for leaving
Section 5: Supporting statement
Please give details that you feel may support your application. Please also include details of what you hope to achieve through undertaking this work experience.
Section 6: Declaration
I declare that the information given on this form is true and complete. I understand that any false information may result in the withdrawal of any offer of voluntary role or my dismissal if accepted as a volunteer.
afernandes George Vasilopoulos ruby