Young people (under-18s)

If you are under 18, we offer a free, friendly and confidential walk-in service every day during opening hours. You do not need an appointment. The service is run by non-judgmental staff members who are used to dealing with sensitive issues.

If you would prefer to attend a dedicated young person’s clinic this will run every Tuesday 4pm-6.30pm, this is a walk-in service for anyone under the age of 18.

At all our clinics we provide:

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs)
  • HIV tests
  • Emergency contraception and pregnancy testing
  • Contraception
  • Free condoms
  • Hepatitis B vaccinations for at-risk individuals
  • Sexual health advice and counselling (please note, we can refer you to counselling but do not offer counselling in-house)
  • Information and advice for anyone who has been sexually assaulted/abused

It is not necessary to bring your parents or an adult with you, but it can be helpful if you are under 16. If you do wish to bring an adult with you, they do not have to be in the room when you have your consultation—it’s your choice.

We do not routinely let your GP or anyone else know about your visit or your personal information.

If you would like more information on this service, or for telephone advice, please call on 020 3315 9779.

If you would like to book an appointment, please call 020 3315 1010 (option 1).