John Hunter Clinic (JHC)
John Hunter Clinic (JHC) is a Sexual Health Clinic, based next to Chelsea and Westminster NHS Hospital, offering sexual health and contraception services.
Welcome to JHC
If you have no symptoms and require a routine sexual health screen, or general contraception (pills, patches and rings) - Sexual Health London (SHL) offer free home STI testing kit and contraception via home-delivery – to use the SHL service click here. If the service is suitable, a free testing kit will be sent to you. You'll collect your own samples and return them by post for testing. Results are typically available within a few days.
If you would like contraception, SHL will arrange for this to be delivered to your home or available for collection from pharmacies across London. SHL provides regular and emergency contraception to people aged 16 and over.
If you have symptoms
If you have symptoms please:
- Book online
- Contact our call centre on 020 3315 4040 (open: Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm)
Please do not pass urine for at least one hour before your appointment.
At John Hunter Clinic (JHC) we offer a range of Sexual Health and contraception appointments bookable in advance online or on the phone.
You can use our online booking service for a range of appointments including: HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), general contraception (pills, patches and rings) long acting reversible contraception (LARC) - coils or implants and sexual health appointments.
We have a limited number of Sexual Health appointments on a daily basis for those people who have symptoms.
Please note there are no walk-in appointments presently. We are closed on Wednesday mornings, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
If you need HIV-PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis), emergency contraception or are aged 17 or under please walk-in and we will always see you on the same day.
If you need HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) outside our opening hours please go to your nearest A&E.
For emergency contraception, please contact your local pharmacy.
For any queries please email us at: It is helpful if you email us with: your full name and clinic number or please provide us with your full name, date of birth and mobile number. Please note this email is not for routine clinical enquiries or to access your test results – if you need to book an appointment, please book here or give us a call.
*If you are a healthcare professional from another service, please email us with your details and we will be in touch.
Our clinic opening hours for face-to-face appointments are:
- Monday: 9am–7pm
- Tuesday: 9am–7pm
- Wednesday: 1pm–7pm
- Thursday: 9am–7pm
- Friday: 9am–4 pm
Please note that we also operate a monthly Saturday service: 10am-4pm.
About our clinic
We are unable to accommodate bicycles or electric scooters in the clinic. Pets are not allowed, but guide dogs and assistance animals are welcome.
Please note that we also do not provide Cervical Smears/HPV testing or breast examinations.
Our Services
- Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Treatment of other genital conditions—for example, thrush, bacterial vaginosis, skin conditions
- A full range of contraceptive services including implants and coils (IUD), as part of integrated sexual health care.
- Access to emergency and general contraception including long acting reversible contraceptive methods
- Sexual Health Adviser service offering advice and information on sexual health and wellbeing issues
- Follow-up care for individuals living with HIV
- HPV and MPOX vaccinations for men who have sex with men (if you are eligible)
- Hepatitis A/B/C screening and Hepatitis A/B vaccinations for at-risk individuals
- Risk reduction advice and signposting
- All results are sent by SMS
- Access to HIV post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following sexual exposure
- Access to HIV PrEP (Pre Exposure Prophylaxis), including advice and monitoring:
- SWISH – service for sex workers
Specialist services (by referral)
- Anoscopy
- Prostatitis clinic - for men
- Female Complex Clinic - for women with complex sexual health needs
- Psychology Service to support people with their sexual wellbeing
- Club Drug Clinic – supporting people who want to change the way they are using recreational drugs
- Complex contraception / Ultrasound guided clinics – for those unable to feel or locate their coil or implant
Contraception/ Family Planning
- Emergency contraception can be used to help reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex, although it must be used within 5 days. Most pharmacies offer emergency contraception.
- We offer a wide range of contraception options, including short-acting, long-acting and emergency methods, for Women or people with a cervix attending our sexual health services.
- Short-acting methods include the combined pill, progestogen-only pill, vaginal ring and patch. Long-acting options available include the contraceptive injection, implants and hormonal/non-hormonal coils (such as Mirena and copper).
- If you are interested in an implant or coil, please book into one of our Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) clinics. Please note that these clinics are extremely busy, and if you arrive late, we may need to reschedule your appointment. Additionally, coil insertion may not be possible if there has been a risk of pregnancy (within previous 3 weeks).
- If you require the pill, patch or vaginal ring, you can book a general family planning clinic appointment or use SHL click here.
- Information on Long Acting Reversible contraception (LARC) and our general family planning criteria
- Advice for patients before an appointment for fitting of intrauterine contraception (hormone or copper coils/IUD/IUS)
Please check NHS 111 website for information regarding local contraception availability.
Termination of pregnancy
If you are considering a termination of pregnancy and are registered with a GP, you may access an appointment directly from the following services:
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital from any postcode in the UK
T: 020 3315 8381 (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm, or leave a voicemail)
British Pregnancy Advisory Service
Please note: we are only able to advise re. termination of pregnancy as this is not a service that we currently offer in clinic.
Accessing your results
Results for gonorrhoea and chlamydia and blood tests (for HIV, syphilis and Hepatitis B and C) will be sent to you via SMS and can take up to 5 working days.
All remaining results are usually sent within 10 days (some specialist tests may take longer).
Please ensure we have your correct UK mobile number.
If you require a letter regarding your results (i.e. if you work in adult entertainment, for IVF or visa purposes, please email: and ensure you include: your full name, date of birth and confidential clinic number. Please also enclose a copy of your photo ID (e.g. driving licence or passport). Please note: Certificates may take up to a week to be sent from when we receive your email.