Cancer services

What we do

We care for nearly 2,000 new cancer patients each year, whatever your diagnosis or treatment needs. If you have suspected cancer we will see you within two weeks of your referral and will work with you, your family and carers to ensure you have the best possible integrated care and treatment whether this is in hospital, the community, or at a cancer centre such as Charing Cross, Hammersmith and The Royal Marsden.

We work closely with medical and nursing teams to support cancers relating to stomach, pancreas, oesophagus, colon and rectum (gastrointestinal), gynaecological, urologicallung, skin and blood. Chelsea and Westminster is also a leading centre for HIV-related cancers including lymphoma, Kaposi’s Sarcoma and anal cancer; the hospital also has a dedicated service for children’s cancers.

We provide a choice of clinics to enable people to see a number of specialists at one time. We also provide chemotherapy, cancer surgery and have an umbrella palliative care service for serious illness—and work closely with local hospices such as Trinity Hospice in Clapham. Our inpatient Acute Oncology Service is for people with an emergency new diagnosis of cancer or complications relating to their care or treatment, while our unique Acute Diagnostic Oncology Clinic is open to referrals from GPs for patients with suspected cancer who are medically unable to wait for an outpatient urgent cancer appointment.

Our Chelsea and Westminster site has a dedicated cancer information and support centre, The Macmillan Centre providing information, counselling and complementary therapies to patients and their families.

At West Middlesex there a cancer charity on site, The Mulberry Centre, which exists to provide information, support and complementary therapies for people with cancer and those that care for them. Both hospitals are also actively engaged in research locally, nationally and internationally to improve treatment and care for people with cancer. If you would like to find out more please speak to your treating doctor.

Our team

Our teams consist of oncology and haematology consultants, clinical nurse specialists, research nurses and other healthcare professionals.

At Chelsea and Westminster the service is led by Dr Cathryn Brock (Consultant Oncologist), Dr Sarah Cox (Consultant in Palliative Medicine) and Eamon O’Reilly (Macmillan Lead Nurse for Cancer).

At West Middlesex, Dr Bobby Mann (Consultant Respiratory Medicine) leads the team, supported by Dr Jane Cowap (Consultant in Palliative Medicine) and Eamon O’Reilly (Macmillan Lead Nurse for Cancer).

Contact information

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Kobler Day Care, 2nd Floor, Lift B

T: 020 3315 8000 (Switchboard)

West Middlesex University Hospital

Cancer services are located in the East Wing of West Middlesex University Hospital

T:  0208 321 6355

For the details of our individual cancer specialities, please visit those pages.

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