Lung cancers

What we do

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK, with approximately 35,000 cases diagnosed each year. We use a multidisciplinary approach and liaise closely with both hospital and community based services to support patient at every step of the way, from diagnosis to treatment and through to recovery.

The service we provide includes:

We work together with other local cancer centres, such as The Royal Marsden and The Royal Brompton for treatment that they may need to provide for our patients. We also ensure that you have a key worker—via our clinical nurse specialist—who will guide you through each stage of your diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Above all, our aim is to ensure that things are as less stressful as possible for people within our care and we will do everything we can to make sure that treatment is seamless, as is the transition between inpatient and outpatient services as needed, including the return home afterwards.

Our team

Dr Pallav Shah has overall responsibility for ensuring the quality of our diagnostic and local care services for lung cancer. He is supported by Dr Tom Newsom-Davis, Medical Oncologist and Chantale L’Hermenier, Clinical Nurse Specialist for Lung Cancer.


Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Outpatients Clinic Gate 4
Lower Ground Floor, Lift Bank D

Kobler Day Care
2nd Floor, Lift Bank B


T: 020 3315 7896

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