Care of the elderly
Both hospitals have a broad range of services for older people, covering a range of conditions from falls through to complex conditions where more than one problem is present, such as cancer or heart disease.
What we do
Both hospitals have a broad range of services for older people, covering a range of conditions from falls through to complex conditions where more than one problem is present, such as cancer or heart disease. Both teams also work closely with other specialties across the hospital to ensure that each and every person in their care has a complete assessment of their health needs.
Both sites have a dedicated unit, to care for medical day cases, emergency attendances that can be treated on a same day basis, as well as general outpatient and specialist clinics for stroke, TIA, Parkinson’s disease, falls, rheumatology (conditions of the joints, muscles, bones and immune system) and oncology (cancer). Teams also work with other specialties such as therapy teams, pharmacists, and social services to assess and treat patients in a ‘one stop shop’.
At Chelsea and Westminster there is also a consultant-led service for adults 75 and over with acute and chronic health issues. OAST (Older Adult Support Team) aims to review elderly patients within 24–72 hours of referral in a dedicated rapid access clinic, or in their own home, to prevent emergency hospital admissions. This operates from the ambulatory and emergency care unit, located at lift bank D.
Our team
Our teams consist of consultants, nurses and ward staff, many of whom specialise in geriatric medicine. The Lead Clinician at Chelsea and Westminster is Dr Philip Lee, Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine and Medicine for the Elderly. At West Middlesex the team is led by Dr Georgi Todorov, Clinical Lead for Elderly Medicine and Frailty.
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Services are based in the Ambulatory and Emergency Care Unit, Ground Floor, Lift Bank D.
West Middlesex University Hospital
The service is based in the Marjory Warren Unit at the rear of the hospital. All outpatient clinics are based here and there are three wards—Kew Ward, Crane Ward and Lampton Ward—with 85 beds in total for elderly care.
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
T: 020 3315 8082—for general services for older people (Mon–Fri, 8:30am–4:30pm)
T: 020 3315 3117—OAST clinic
West Middlesex University Hospital
T: 020 8321 5041