Burns service
Our burns service includes our Adult Burns Centre and Paediatric Burns Unit.
What we do
Our burns service includes our Adult Burns Centre and Paediatric Burns Unit.
The burns multidisciplinary team includes dedicated burns consultants, intensivists, anaesthetists, specialist nurses, occupational and physical therapists, psychologists, pharmacists, dietitians and a social support team. The team also call upon the acute services within the Trust, as the need arises, such as pain, acute medicine, surgery and elderly medicine. There is also a burns outreach service.
The adult service is on the 5th Floor, Lift Bank B. There are two intensive care beds, two high dependency beds, nine ward beds and three day-case beds. Patients requiring access to assessment and/or treatment by the burns service must obtain a referral from a healthcare professional (such as a GP, local A&E or minor injuries unit). They will call us to arrange an appointment. Unfortunately we cannot accept walk-in patients without an appointment. All patients should see their GP or attend their closest A&E or minor injuries unit if they sustain a burn that requires medical treatment.
The paediatric burns service at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital is located on the 1st Floor at the front of the hospital. The six inpatient beds and dressing clinic are co-located on Mars Ward. The service offers HDU (high dependency unit) burns care but any children requiring ICU (intensive care unit) support are treated at the St Andrew’s regional centre in Chelmsford, Essex.
Visiting hours are 2–8pm every day with a maximum of two visitors at the bedside. Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to visit the burns wards at any time. Unfortunately, fresh flowers and plants are not permitted as an infection control measure. These rules are in place to protect our patients and those who wish to visit them.
Burns First Aid Information
First aid information for commercial kitchen employers and staff
- First aid information for clinicians and the public
Our team
- Joanne Atkins, Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery, Burns Service Lead, Junior Doctor Lead ( Plastics)
- Jorge Leon-Villapalos, Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery
- Isabel Jones, Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery, Departmental Lead for Plastic Surgery
- Declan Collins, Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Research Lead
- Andy Williams, Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Governance Lead for Burns
- Daniel Markeson, Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery
- Niall Martin, Consultant Burns and Plastic Surgery
- Lisa Williams, Clinical Psychology Lead
- Kate Attrill, Clinical Therapies Lead
- Christine King, Matron
- Zoe Smith, Ward Manager
- Alice Eastland, Outreach Sister
- Barbara Wetherell, Practice Development Charge Nurse
- Anwar Tabali, Ward Manager Paediatric Burns
- Annette Maynard, Play Specialist Paediatric Burns
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
- The adult Burns Unit is based on the 5th Floor, Lift Bank B
- Mars Ward (children) is based on the 1st Floor at the front of the hospital, accessible from Lift Bank B or the escalators
T: 020 3315 2500 (adult)
T: 020 3315 3706/3707 (children)
For clinical use
MDSAS referrals can be used by any clinician with a NHS email. Please call the burns unit once referral is made to discuss treatment plan.