IBD and ileoanal pouch surgery

What we do
The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Ileoanal Pouch Surgery Centre provides patients with a multidisciplinary approach, and consists of IBD surgeons, gastroenterologists, radiologists, dietitians, and specialised nurses with high-level expertise in treatment of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as stoma care.
We accept referrals from all areas of the country and abroad and have a lot of expertise in treating complex IBD. We specialise in minimally invasive surgery for primary and recurrent Crohn’s disease, the most up to date anastomosis techniques, fistulating and perianal Crohn’s disease. We also have a high-volume practice in ileoanal “J-Pouch” surgery, performing primary and revisional ileoanal pouch surgery, and pouch excision. We are accredited with the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) for ileoanal pouch formation, revision and excision.
The information on this page is for patients—if you are a healthcare practitioner interested in the educational and research opportunities, please see the education page for the IBD and ileoanal pouch surgery centre.
How to be referred
If you would like to be referred to us for management of your IBD and/or for consideration of pouch surgery, please discuss this with your colorectal surgeon, gastroenterologist or GP. Please ask them to email chelwest.ibdsurgerycentre@nhs.net to submit a referral.
We will accept referrals for patients with primary and recurrent ileo-caecal, ileocolonic and perianal Crohn’s disease, patients with ulcerative colitis and patients with an ileoanal pouch and pouch dysfunction.
The input required from the IBD and ileoanal pouch surgery centre can be discussed on an individualised basis:
- Clinical review and provision of ongoing care
- MDT discussion review for provision of second opinion
- Inpatient transfer
If you are not a patient of Chelsea and Westminster but wish to contact us for advice, you can do so at chelwest.j-pouch@nhs.net (for pouch patients only) or chelwest.ibdsurgerycentre@nhs.net (for all patients).
Our team approach
Our IBD team takes pride in providing our patients with dedicated specialists, collaborating to deliver the best care and outcomes. Our team comprises:
- Colorectal surgeons
- Paediatric colorectal surgeons
- Gastroenterologists
- Gastrointestinal pathologists
- Gastrointestinal radiologists
- Research fellows
- Specialists in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Stoma nurses, a J Pouch and IBD Surgery nurse specialist, nurse practitioners and physician assistants
Nutritional support, psychological support, pain management and physical therapy are integrated in the patient’s pathway.
We work closely with paediatric surgeons and gastroenterologists caring for adolescents with IBD and other colorectal conditions, transitioning to the adult services.
Our excellent care provided by the IBD and ileoanal pouch surgery centre has been awarded nationally by the British Society of Gastroenterology. Our IBD centre has an extensive research led focus and multiple education opportunities, hosting national courses and leading on NIHR and multicentre studies.
We can receive GP referrals or patients can self-refer by emailing chelwest.j-pouch@nhs.net. A preliminary telephone/virtual appointment is often arranged prior to face-to-face consultation.
The IBD and ileoanal pouch surgery centre is directed by Mr Valerio Celentano (Consultant Colorectal Surgeon) who can be reached on valerio.celentano@nhs.net.

Recognition and Awards
Consultant surgeon Mr Valerio Celentano received the Service Development Award from the British Society of Gastroenterology during the BSG annual conference in Birmingham in 2022. This is a prestigious award that acknowledges the high volume and high-quality care delivered by our Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) team. The award recognises the multidisciplinary patient-centred approach to ileoanal pouch surgery which, at our Trust, involves collaboration among colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists, stoma nurses, dietitians, radiologists, IBD nurses and paediatric surgeons. Our surgical team was awarded in Birmingham for the excellent outcomes of our high-volume service.
The Association of Stoma Care Nurses (ASCN) UK awarded our pouch service presentation by lead stoma nurse Melanie Jerome in October 2023, demonstrating the support offered to our patients undergoing complex procedures of ileoanal pouch formation, revision and excision.
A successful grant application in December 2023, supported by CW+, the official charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, has allowed the introduction of a psychological support service for our IBD patients.
Ulcerative colitis
This is a chronic condition that results in inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum.
Symptoms include recurrent diarrhoea; abdominal pain; increased frequency of defaecation; fatigue; loss of appetite and weight loss. Can also experience extra intestinal symptoms such as joint pain; mouth ulcers; eye irritation and skin issues such as erythema nodosum. It is a relapsing / remitting condition with periods of good health interspersed with flares (worsening of symptoms).
No obvious cause but thought to be autoimmune and a reaction to certain bacteria in the colon. Is often managed medically, but many patients require surgery to resolve their symptoms.
Ileoanal pouch
The Ileoanal J-Pouch clinic is a multidisciplinary service offered to patients who have an ileoanal pouch or are considering having surgery. A dedicated pathway for these patients was developed at our J-Pouch one-stop clinic involving an endoscopic assessment of the pouch (pouchoscopy) and same-day meeting with our team of colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists, IBD and stoma/pouch nurses. Our service also provides the chance for peer-to-peer counselling thanks to a group of patients who previously had pouch surgery under our care and agreed to volunteer and share their precious experience and perspective.
If you would like to be considered for peer to peer counselling or if you have a j pouch and are interested in supporting others please email chelwest.j.pouch@nhs.net.
In the dedicated J-Pouch clinic we evaluate conditions such as pouchitis, pouch dysfunction, pouch-anal and pouch-vaginal fistulae, increased bowel frequency, primary ileoanal pouch and redo pouch surgery, and surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis. The excellent care provided by the IBD and Ileoanal Pouch Surgery Centre has been awarded nationally by the British Society of Gastroenterology.
Red Lion Pouch Support Group
The Red Lion Support Group is a national support group for patients with a J pouch and has been running for many years.
Mr Valerio Celentano was invited as a speaker for an online webinar with the national patient Red Lion Pouch Support Group. The video below explains in lay wording the multidisciplinary management, surgery and recovery for patients having ileoanal J-Pouch surgery. This will address some of the frequently asked questions for patients considering this surgery.