Ponseti clinic
The Ponseti clinic at Chelsea and Westminster is a specialist service for children born with structural foot deformity. Conditions seen include clubfoot (congenital talipes equino varus), congenital vertical talus and metatarsus adductus as well as other foot deformity.
The team consists of two paediatric orthopaedic consultants, one APP in paediatric orthopaedics, two Band 7 paediatric physiotherapists and a physiotherapy assistant.
The Ponseti service at Chelsea and Westminster is the largest in the South of England and is internationally renowned. The team have extensive experience in the treatment of clubfoot and specialise in treatment of complex feet and relapse, receiving many tertiary referrals.
All patients require GP consent to be seen by the service and as it is a regional and national service patients often travel long distances for treatment.
All new referrals are triaged by the APP and are monitored and treated in APP-led clinics or joint consultant clinics, as most appropriate.
The team runs 5 clinics a week to cover new patient assessment, serial casting, tenotomy, follow up and orthotic management, as well as ante-natal consultation.
We have a strong commitment to teaching and training and regularly have healthcare professionals visiting clinic. We run an annual Ponseti multidisciplinary training course and have been involved in national and international training programmes.