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Colorectal Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (WM)

Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists

Cancer clinical nurse specialists are qualified nurses with specialist training and experience in caring for people with a specific type of cancer. Their role is to offer you support, information and advice from the time of diagnosis, throughout your treatment and follow-up care.

Whilst you are being cared for at West Middlesex University Hospital, the cancer clinical nurse specialist will act as your keyworker. This means they will be the main person involved in co-ordinating your care and arranging things for you. They are a consistent point of contact for you, your family and any professionals involved in your care.

When you are discharged or your care is transferred, your keyworker may change.
We will let you know if this happens.

How can the Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist help you?

Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists can help you in a variety of ways: They can:

  • Provide support to you and your family from the time of diagnosis, throughout your treatment and beyond.
  • Advise you on a range of issues related to having cancer.
  • Provide written and verbal information about your condition, any investigations and treatments you may need as well as information on wellbeing topics and practical matters.
  • Refer you to other healthcare professionals and specialist support services as required.
  • Answer your questions and discuss your concerns.
  • Signpost you to support groups, health and social care services.

How to contact your Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist

Your cancer clinical nurse specialists are Sarah Byrne and Martina Cusack. They can be contacted on the telephone number listed below:

Tel: 0208 321 5892

You may reach an answer phone. Please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible, however please be aware this may not be on the same day.  

These contact details are not for emergencies. If the matter is urgent, please contact your GP, out of hours service or your nearest Accident and Emergency department.